
New Onset Diabetes and Hyperglycemia
(NOD Study)

Detecting Pancreatic Cancer Early

Disclaimer: This website is intended for use by participants already approached by a NOD study team member


Study Summary - The goals of the NOD Study are to identify a group of people who are newly diagnosed with diabetes, between the ages of 50 and 85, in the hopes that this group, who are at increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer, provide clues in their blood to help unravel some of the unknowns about this very fatal cancer. In recent months, NOD has shifted focus from additional enrollment to solely concentrating our efforts on follow-up of all of our currently enrolled participants.

Fact Sheet

ADA Resource Sheet

More information about NOD can be found here

Source: National Cancer Institute

Funding for NOD is provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).



All NOD participants have provided consent. Over the course of the 3 year study, all participants will give blood four times and answer a questionnaire once.


Dr. Suresh Chari is a physician and scientist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. He was one of the first investigators to identify and study the connection between pancreatic cancer and diabetes. His insights led to the initiation of the NOD Study.

Dr. Anirban Maitra is a physician and scientist at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. He and Dr. Chari co-lead the NOD Study.

Dr. Ziding Feng is a statistician at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. He has been the NOD Study lead statistician and has been involved in numerous clinical trials.

Dr. Bechien Wu is a gastroenterologist at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles, CA, one of the major patient recruitment sites for the NOD Study. He and his group have extensive experience in clinical studies and recruitment of patients.

Dr. Jo Ann Rinaudo is a Program Director at the NCI (National Cancer Institute). She is responsible for the oversight of the NOD Study and interacts with all the NOD sites and investigators. She provides guidance to ensure the study is progressing as expected and that the NOD Study meets the goals.


  • Why have I been contacted about this study?
  • You have been invited to participate in this study because you’ve recently completed a lab test which may indicate newly detected hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar levels).
  • What does participation involve?
  • You will be asked to meet with your research staff now and again at 6, 12, and 24 months. A small percentage of participants will be asked to return at 36 months. Each visit takes 30-45 minutes and consists of a blood draw and completion of a short survey regarding your current health.
  • Will I be compensated for my participation?
  • We understand your time is valuable. Participants will receive a $50 reimbursement as a small token of appreciation for the time you have donated to participating. There is no cost to you for participating in this research study.
  • Will I see any results from this study?
  • While you will not get individual results from you participation, publications resulting from this study will be made public. As those publications are generated, we will give you direct access either via this webpage or study newsletters.
  • Will I get diagnostic results from the blood samples I donate?
  • This project will not be running any diagnostic tests on the samples you donate. Samples collected for this study will be sent to a blood biobank.
  • What is a biobank?
  • The purpose of a biobank is to collect, process, and store blood samples until researchers need them to do research. When your samples are sent to the biobank, they will not contain any of your personal information or identifiers.


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